Content Delivery Network (CDN)

Every CDN is different. They vary on performance, features, analytics, data center location, etc. Fastest CDN in world does not mean its fast for you. It is important that you select right CDN and custom configure it based on your requirements.

All CDN has their own custom way of configuring CDN. You need to understand their configuration system to custom configure for your website.

Technology global world network background

Our team has more than eight years of experience in CDN industry. We will help you select right CDN or multiple CDN based on your requirements. Plus we will manage and configure it for you. We integrate our software with multiple CDN APIs so you have single place to see your analytics data from multiple CDN.

CDN is not only for big enterprise. For global reach and performance CDN is useful for small-medium businesses also. We work with multiple CDN and can offer budget friendly package to all size businesses.

CDN Features

  • Application Delivery
  • Dynamic Site Acceleration (DSA)
  • Full Site Acceleration (FSA)
  • Gaming Sites (GDN – Game Delivery Network)
  • Video Streaming, Live Streaming (IPTV, OTT)
  • SSL delivery (SNI, Custom Cert)
  • HTTP2 Support
  • Instant Configuration and Purge
  • Rules Engine
  • Origin-Shielding
  • Analytics tool
  • Technical Support